
Kyaah abstract away cognitive over-head of sending SMTP, POP3, and IMAP mail, together with other mailing operations things like, mail with file, tokens etc.

Release v0.1.13

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Simple use of kyaah

First we recommend creating a virtual environment python -m venv venv and then activate it source venv/bin/activate

Once that finish now install the library using:

pip install kyaah

Wait for the installation to finish, basically the library was uploaded using sdist (Source Distribution) and bdist_wheel (Built Distribution). After that create a new file let call it in the file paste the below code with your credentials.

import kyaah

sender = ''
receiver = ['', '']
passwd = '*********' # use app password

server = 'gmail'
subj = f'Hellow world!'
body = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet adipisicing elit, rerum voluptate ipsum volupt.'

    from_usr=sender, to_usr=receiver, svr=server, subject=subj, body=body, mail_passwd=passwd

save the file and navigate to where the file is located in terminal and your are ready to go (run the file):


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